Monday, March 31, 2008

This Week

This week in geometry we learned all about finding the interior and exterior of polygons. We learned that to find each interior angle you can use the formula (n-2)180=interior < [n being the number of sides]Then to find the exterior angles individualy you can just subtract the number you previosly found from 180. I think that I could use a little more practice before we have the quiz later this week, though.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

personal growth

this year in math has not been bad.
although my grades have not been terrible, i feel like i could do better.
this semester i really want to work on getting better grades on tests/quizzes and really understanding what it is that we are learning as well.I think the fact the i do a lot of stuff after school is really affecting my grades in general. I feel like if i had less in each class i would be able to understand more in each class as well. While i could improve on what i am doing in class, i think i have done a good job on doing homework and coming prepared to tests and quizzes, although i could be a bit more prepared. I will try and spend more time studying math and doing math homework.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Semester Review

The topic that we learned this semester that I enjoyed the most was SOHCAHTOA.
It is a topic that I really Understand. SOHCAHTOA, or some old hippie came a hoppin through our apartment, helps you in finding missing sides. Like if you have the hypotneous and the adjecent then you can use CAH, or Cos and the angle to help you find the third side. A real life application with this problem would be like if I were flying a kite that went up in the air 350 feet and the angle was 60 percent and I wanted to figure out how far I would have to walk to to walk straight under it then you can use one of the equations to find out the answer.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Dec. 17

1. I can make many connections between what i learn in math and the outside world. I never realized that the Pythagorean theorem could be applied outside of math and i find that to be very interesting. I could use it to find a shortcut home or i could use it to find a piece of wood needed to finish my awesome skate ramp.

2. In college, currently i see myself studying to become a lawyer. When i researched this online i found that many lawyers structure there speeches that they give to judges as mathematical proofs beginning with given facts and then proofing it with given material.

3. I like to shop. When i am in a store sometime i find myself doing long calculations in my head to try and figure out how much i will be spending.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Jordan's BIO

Hi, my name is Jordan. My interests include the phone, TV, and hanging out with friends. I am talented at using the computer for the most part, and my hobbies include shopping, starbucks, and running. I am proud of making it through the year in Mr. Nyce's class because he was a pretty hard teacher. I live with my parents and my sister, and I speak Hebrew and some Spanish. My birthday is Aug. 7, and outside of school I go to Hebrew school. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. I am a supportive member or a team, I enjoy group work, and I am not at all nervous about working in a team. Math has been an interesting experience for me. In 8th grade my math teacher was my English, Jewish history, and math teacher so she really did not know what she was doing. I had been pretty good in math when we did 7+3 and even 20 x 2. I am excited about taking Geometry because it is something new for me to learn. I think something that made me learn math easier was not always using a textbook, but also applying math to real life situations.

hows it going

My first few weeks of school are going fine. I have made a goal this year to do all of my homework and make sure that it is correct. I have a assignment notebook that will help me in not forgeting anything. I think hot math has really helped me this year so far. If i am stuck on a problem, hotmath is there to help me. I think that nothing has really been to difficult so far. The one thing i would like to focus on would be to check homework answers for correctness every night.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Blog 4

1) In math i have learned a few things that are significant. The main thing i have learned is how to calculate degrees in an angle.
2) At this time I cant really think of any questions i have.
3) I think hotmath is really helping me in understanding the homework. Also visuals on the smart board help as well.
4) There is nothing that is not working.
5) I like the blogging. It is an easy way of communicating and allowing the teacher of what the student still needs help on.